I have known a number of people with different gifts and talents. It is a blessing seeing all that for the glory of God!

I came to realize that God reveals Himself in so many ways and works with us in different ways for His kingdom and He gives gifts and talents for a reason.
I am pretty sure that everyone is blessed with something from God whether we know it or we don't.
At some point in my life I have been struggling to know what I can do best of all the things I have been doing! What I really enjoy doing even if I am not paid for or not for the sake of pleasing someone or some kind of an obligation...

The thing that I am free to do no matter what, something that I long to do for the rest of my life.
All these unknowns kept me thinking and searching. It was kind of trying to explore who I really am, what am I supposed to do.
Some kind of searching for my purpose but a long the way, I encountered these two things
'TALENTS AND GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT' and I wanted to know more about these...!! You may be knowing something but trust me, if you continue with this lesson, you will get to know some issues that are going to be useful to you in making the most of your life for God's own glory!!!
I asked myself
- What are these (talents and gifts of the Spirit)?
- Are they the same?
- Where do they come from?
- For what purpose?
- How do I discover them in me?

Please keep in touch as I will be answering these questions to impart knowledge about this area of talents and the gifts of the Holy Spirit....!!!!
to be continued.........!!!