struggling to be you?

you have to know and appreciate your yourself

Your focus should be on who God wants you to be! Stop trying to be like someone else, stop trying to fit in groups that really do not enhance what God wants you to be. In the book of Romans 12:2 the bible tells us not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world but we should be transformed by renewing our minds that we should be able to test and approve what God's will is! It is high time now, you have to stop wishing you could be this or that. Take sometime to know yourself, your strengths, make use of them to live your life to the fullest, glorifying God and fulfilling God's purpose! Let's come to weaknesses now, God did not make a mistake anywhere creating you with the weaknesses you have. There is a point in life God wants to use the very weakness you have. He says in the 2 Corinthians 12:9, ..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weaknesses" and Paul the apostle says, ...Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
The best thing you can do concerning your weaknesses is to let God use them for His glory. Give it to God instead of being hard on yourself. Learn His word to better yourself rather than looking down on yourself.
Keep in mind
God loves you for who you are and His love is far beyond our understanding. You have to keep this in mind so instead of struggling to please people, start to work more on your relationship with God. If you please God, you will also please people automatically. Do not waste your time to start pleasing everyone, you will never succeed unless you are a hypocrite which in turn, is against the will of God!
Learn to look at yourself using God's eyes!
You are blessed, you are loved, you were fearfully and wonderfully made, you are a child of God, you are a king and a priest, you are the heir together with Christ, you are righteous, you are saved by grace. Even if no body knows you here on earth, God knows you and wants you to come to Him the way you are!
Be bold and start to move on, live your life fully, give God glory! Rise and shine, thy light hath come!
Lots of love...!
Keep in mind
God loves you for who you are and His love is far beyond our understanding. You have to keep this in mind so instead of struggling to please people, start to work more on your relationship with God. If you please God, you will also please people automatically. Do not waste your time to start pleasing everyone, you will never succeed unless you are a hypocrite which in turn, is against the will of God!
Learn to look at yourself using God's eyes!
You are blessed, you are loved, you were fearfully and wonderfully made, you are a child of God, you are a king and a priest, you are the heir together with Christ, you are righteous, you are saved by grace. Even if no body knows you here on earth, God knows you and wants you to come to Him the way you are!
Be bold and start to move on, live your life fully, give God glory! Rise and shine, thy light hath come!
Lots of love...!
am thankful to God for who i am.
God bless you mamadee
Amen and God bless you as well!
A good massage, u have taught me new thing here. Be blessed
A very good massage, u have taught me a new thing here. Be blessed
Amen! You too be blessed Somi!
i like what your doing, be blessed
your doing good, i like it be blessed
Amen! Blessings to you too!
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